If the operators all have the same precedence, then the order of evaluation depends on their associativity. 如果所有操作符优先级一样,那么求值顺序就取决于它们的结合性。
Note that although the Behaviors in this example have a total order of precedence ( of suppression), it needn't be that way. 注意,尽管这个示例中的Behavior具有总体优先次序,但是不一定要这样做。
Yes, Dearest: external agendas have unfortunately taken precedence in many lives of your earth's inhabitants. 塞:是的,最亲爱的,不幸的是在你们地球居民中的许多人优先考虑外部日程。
However, many of the events of the last year or so have, in fact, been with precedence within the span of many market participants 'careers. 然而,事实上,在许多市场参与者的职业生涯里,去年前后发生的许多事件都有过领先。
Conclusion The spontaneous apoptosis have the precedence for predicting readiotherapeutic effects, therefore, AI0 may be a useful predictor of response to radiotherapy in carcinoma of the cervix. 结论自发性凋亡指数(AI0)可作为宫颈鳞状细胞癌放疗疗效的预测指标。
The author observed these "Tea fighting" paints carefully, I discovered all the characters in each picture have displayed the spirit such as positive optimistic and precedence of courtesy modestly. 笔者通过仔细观察这些以斗茶为题材的绘画,发现每幅画中的人物都表现了一种积极乐观、谦虚礼让的精神。